From the start
  • From the start
  • 5 years
  • 4 years
  • 3 years
  • 24 Months
  • 12 Months
Fund inception date 1/17/2008
Management fee 1,8% p.a
Performance fee 20% of returns outperforming the ibovespa, with a "hight-water mark" per investment
Minimum initial investment R$5,000.00
Minimum trade R$1,000.00
Minimum investment amount R$5,000.00
Investment D+0
Redemption D+15 (calendar)
Liquidation D+2 (business) after redemption
Manager Set Investimentos Gestão de Ativos Ltda.
Administrator Intrag DTVM
Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes
Custodian Banco Itaú S.A.
Investment information Banco Itaú (341); Agência: 8541; Conta Corrente: 0042954-7; Set Fia CNPJ: 02.444.266/0001-59
ANBIMA Category Mutual Equity Fund

Fund Objectives

Set FIA Fund seeks to increase the value of its units by investing in publicly held companies with long-term growth potential and good prospects for earnings distribution, through the payment of dividends, interest on equity and others. The Fund does not track any market benchmark index.

Target Audience

Investors in General.

Applicable Taxes

Applicable taxes: It may differ from different countries. Please check your legislation.

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